Bringing animals to a graduation session

Bringing your dog to your graduation photo session can be a fun and memorable way to include your furry friend in your special moment. This being said there are a few things to consider before you bring them to your session

  1. Ask your photographer if you can bring them.
  2. They could be allergic to animals
  3. The location may not allow animals
  4. They may not allow it with certain packages
  5. Consider if you are going to have a friend there with you.
  6. You may not want all your images with your pet so please bring a friend that can take care of your animal while you take a photo without them.
  7. Make sure your pet is well-groomed for the session.
  8. Bring some dog treats.
  9. Motivation for staying still is a must
  10. One of the biggest things to consider is your dog's behavior.
  11. If your pet likes to run or doesn't respond to commands well you may want to consider leaving them at home.

In my experience bringing your furry friend is not only fun for you but also for your photographer.

Your furry friend will most likely get a lot of love and attention during your session.

Hope this was helpful advice from your local Flagstaff photographer.

Happy Shooting!