Congratulations on your graduation!

Not sure if you want to do a summer session for your graduation photo or even know that that was a possibility. This article will give you some reasons and times for summertime graduation photos.

Flagstaff, AZ Summer Time

As a photographer, Summer time is my favorite time to photograph Seniors. If you are a planner and want to make sure there is no chance of snow in your images, this is the time to book. Not only would you get the Northern Arizona University to yourself, so there is no waiting around, but you can get those graduations announcement put out in advance. This takes one less thing off your plate during your last semester. You may want to get some photos taken in Sedona as well. With more of an open schedule during the summer, this is more of a possibility!

If you are a fall grad student, I could not recommend this enough!

The time of day is super important when getting your photos taken. Every session has a different window to take pictures. If you're not a fan of images using flash, you will want to stick to the hour right after the sun rises or an hour before the sun sets. This is true for all sessions. The only differences are the actual time during the summer. The sun sets around 7:30 pm, which means that if you work from 9 am-5 pm, you still have plenty of time to take your photos.

Now if you are an early bird and what to bet, the summer heat sunrise is around 5:30, depending on the day during the summer.

Now that you have some reasons to book your session during the summer, find the photographer that's right for you and start talking about the best time for both of you to get your Grad session done.

Happy Shooting!

Your local Flagstaff Photographer

-Bethany Hicks

Masters Student Graduation Session
Sorority Graduation Photos
Detail of NAU Graduation Regalia